June 30, 2015

Randomly finding unique restaurants that offer drink specials and affordable meals is one of my favorite things about this city, and last night was no different. Starving from a long hard day at work, and needing an hour to kill before my friend and I went to a comedy show, we stumbled upon this quaint little place in the West Village called 100 Montaditos that – just as the name explains – has 100 montaditos (or sandwiches) on the menu.
According to the restaurants website, a Montatito is a staple of the culinary arts from Spain. It is a unique tapa-sized rolls of bread similar to a baguette but wider and with a twist. And each montadito is filled with the best ingredients available.
As I mentioned earlier, the menu has 100 of these tiny sandwiches with different fillings and toppings to choose from, so when it came time for me to make up my mind and only choose a reasonable five, the possibilities were endless.

The first item I saw when I opened the menu was cheese fries with bacon, so that was a done deal. Once that was decided upon, I went through all 100 montaditos and made my selection. So many of them sounded amazing, but the five I ultimately decided upon were:
Philly Cheesesteak
Hot Dog
Turkey, goat cheese and arugula
Tomato, Mozzarella and Pesto
Manchego and Chorizo
Look at all that bread. The sandwiches were
finished within two bites and each one was
better than the next, but I would have to say
my favorite was the goat cheese, turkey and
arugula which is completely out of character
for me because this was the healthiest one on
the plate.
The best thing about this place was how inexpensive it was. Literally each sandwich, or montadito, is only 2 dollars, so an order of five only cost me 10 bucks. But because it was so cheap, the quality of the food wasn’t exactly top notch. Although I enjoyed my montaditos and cheese fries, there was still a feeling of disappointment.
I would definitely go back for a chance to try some other menu items. While you can’t really go wrong with cheese fries, I have to say their mix of processed cheese and fake bacon on a pile of cold fries did not really satiate my appetite. I suggest stopping by 100 Montaditos for lunch if you are in the area and stick to just a plate of sandwiches.