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Whenever people read my blog, they always say the same three things. First, it’s usually “Damnit, you’re funny.” The second most popular comment I get is, “I want to be a guest writer!” And the third has something to do with bacon.


After much deliberation, I have finally decided to award certain friends and family members the right to “Volunteer as Tribute” and write a post for my blog. And you can, too! Just send your food review to complete with images of your meal and a Cheez-It rating (1-5) and I will decide if it’s good enough to make it onto The Hunger James.

Braii for the Brave

Rachel Larson

Okay! To “spice” things up a bit, my name is Rachel, and I’m volunteering as tribute to be a guest writer on The Hunger James. Similar to my wonderful foodie friend James, I like pretty much all food. All of it. Except sardines, but like, I’m sorry, who likes those?

Lacy Mills

“What’s for dinner?” is a question I often get asked now living with James (The Hunger James) and a question I go all day waiting to hear. Sometimes he chooses TGI Fridays 10$ all you can eat appetizers over my cooking, but hey- I’m okay with that because tonight it was my turn to cook again.

A Mother's Day Dinner to Die For

Lauren Keating

New Yorker’s were blessed to have such a sunny and warm Sunday this past weekend. Sunday was also the day to show appreciation to our moms for being the super women that they are.

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