…Just in case anyone was wondering.
January is a funny month, right? Everyone has just made their New Years Resolutions, and for the month of January, we are all doing our best to stick to them.
Since there was a polar vortex the past six months in New York, I decided to take a mini-vacation and cruise to the Bahamas. Having been on my fair share of cruises in the past, I knew what to expect: umbrella drinks, sea-sickness, and food.
Astoria, Queens is quickly becoming my favorite place to grab a bite to eat. Located just minutes away from the city, this quaint borough of New York City is populated with some of the city’s coolest people, greatest bars, and trendiest restaurants.

Last night, I ventured downtown (well, to Chelsea) to meet a friend for dinner at Il Bastardo. I have been there before and I remembered they had the best pumpkin ravioli, so I was extremely excited to go back and enjoy one of my favorite fall-themed meals.
Last night I took a friend out for his birthday. I told him we could go anywhere in the tri-state area! And he chose…The Cheesecake Factory.
Last night, I celebrated the end of a stressful week the best way I knew how: I went out to dinner. I know, most people my age usually de-stress with a glass of wine or an herbal substance. But me? I de-stress by food.
My 27th birthday was over a month ago, and during that time, I was blessed and spoiled with gifts from my family and friends. Clothes, money, dinners, and a gift card to a restaurant in New York City called “The Baconery.”
This past Sunday, my friends and I decided to be hip and trendy and go for brunch. It was a good excuse to get out of bed, shower, shave, and put on clean underwear. Oh, and to hang out with friends.
This is my first post writing about something I made – so please, be good to me.
And those are the words I said to the box of ziti, jar of tomato sauce, and 4 different types of cheeses: Please be good to me.

This past Friday was the first Friday night that I did not spend at home, wearing my pajamas and ordering food on Seamless from a place called “Tacos de Mexico.” My friends and I were planning to go see “Gone Girl” on opening night –
For the month of July, I participated in a Vegetarian Challenge, and since that was actually a lot of fun, I decided I needed to do a new month-long challenge. But what would it be?
Sunday night, desperate for a place to get a few drinks and a somewhat cheap dinner, my friends and I returned to one of my favorite - and extremely underrated - restaurants in the city: The Barrel.

There is a place on Stone Street in the Financial District of Manhattan called Bavaria Bierhaus, complete with wooden benches and girls dressed in lederhosen.
I have lived in Astoria for a little under a year now, and I am always surprised at the abundance of great restaurants are in the area. It seems like every time I go for a walk (which is rare because I’m lazy as shit) I find a brand new restaurant to try.
I randomly stumbled upon this quaint little place in the West Village called 100 Montaditos that – just as the name explains – has 100 montaditoson the menu.